Before, during and after our expedition, we had the pleasure of meeting a wide variety of community members, journalists, recreational users, scholars, artists and Powell enthusiasts throughout the Colorado River Basin. Our conversations discussed public lands, water policy issues, indigenous communities, art, science, history and the future of the Colorado River Basin for the next 150 years. We are incredibly grateful for the open dialogue about a myriad of important issues with regards to Water in the West.
Our film, “A River Out of Time” is available to view through YouTube beginning Dec.27, 2022.
“Rafting 1000 Miles to Spotlight Colorado River Basin Issues” by Mike Bezemek for OARS, July 2020.
“150th Anniversary of John Wesley Powell Expedition: A Look Into the Future of the West Through Education, Art, Science and Policy” presented by Tom Minckley, Jessica Flock, Patrick Kikut and Jason Robison @ CRWUA Dec.12, 2019 in Las Vegas, NV.
“Team of Wyoming researchers is retracing John Wesley Powell’s historic trip on the Green and Colorado Rivers” authored by Katie Klinsporn for and republished in The Salt Lake Tribune. Aug. 28, 2019. (Photo by Jessica Flock)

“UW team traces Powell’s historic journey, eyes the future" authored by Katie Klinsporn for WyoFile and republished in Laramie Boomerang, Aug. 29, 2019.
“River expedition stops in Moab to talk about public lands, water issues” by Sharon Sullivan for Moab Sun News, June 20, 2019.
“Thousand-mile river expedition launched in Green River on Friday”, May 28, 2019 article in The Rocket Miner. (Photo by Mike Vanata)
UW-Led Expedition to Retrace Famous Voyage authored by UW Institutional Communications, May 16, 2019.
“SCREE Expedition will cover 1,000 miles in 70 days--by raft” by Amber Travsky for the Laramie Boomerang, May 4, 2019.
“Cornerstone at the Confluence: Navigating the Colorado River Compact’s Next Century” edited by Jason A. Robison was published by the University of Arizona Press, November 2022.
“70 Days and 1000 Miles in the Colorado River Basin” (Goal Zero Blog) authored by Ben Kraushaar, Oct.28, 2019. (Photo by Ben Kraushaar)
“UW team traces Powell’s historic journey, eyes the future” authored by Katie Klingsporn for WyoFile, August 27, 2019. (Photo by Jessica Flock)
USGS Group Retraces John Wesley Powell's Colorado River Journey By Steve Shadley • July 31, 2019 (KNAU Radio) (Photo L to R: Patrick Kikut, Ben Kraushaar, Jessica Flock, David Jones and Tom Minckley)
“To Commemorate Powell’s Colorado River Expedition, Research Team Retraces His Steps” By Luke Runyon (KUNC’s Reporter on the CO River Basin) • July 31, 2019 (Photo by J Flock)
SCREE on This Week in Moab By Molly Marcello, June 19, 2019 for KZMU Radio. (Photo courtesy Cody M Perry)
“Thousand-Mile River Expedition Launched In Green River On Friday” authored by Wyo4News, May 25, 2019.
“Expanded UW Program Celebrates 150th Anniversary of Powell’s Launch in Green River” authored by UW Institutional Communications, May 16, 2019.
John Wesley Powell and his legacy on American geography and future in the arid West at American Association of Geographer’s 2019 Meeting in Washington D.C., April 5, 2019. Members of SCREE, Tom Minckley, Jason Robison & Bill Gribb all contributed remarks during the conference session.
“Science & Culture: Expedition artists paint a picture of science exploration” by Carolyn Beans for PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences), Feb. 9, 2021
SCREE in the Fall 2019 edition of UWYO…The Magazine for Alumni and Friends of the University of Wyoming. “UW-Led Expedition Retraces Famous Voyage” is featured on page 10.
“The Powell 150 Journey Retraces John Wesley Powell Expedition” by Dave for Lake Powell Life News, Aug. 1, 2019.
“Development in Bozeman and the basin: The West continues to morph from growth and climate change.” by Paul Larmer for High Country News, July 21, 2019.
To Mark The 150th Anniversary Of The Powell Expedition, UW and USGS Launch Colorado River Trip By Leslie Forero (Utah Public Radio) • June 10, 2019
“Come Celebrate the 150th Anniversary of the Powell Expedition Launch in Green River” authored by Lindsay Malicoate, May 23, 2019 for Sweetwater Now.
“Art Exhibit Features Scenes from the Route of John Wesley Powell’s Expedition” authored by Kristin Baldwin, April 30, 2019. Published by (Photo by Will Wilson)
Art Exhibitions Part of Sesquicentennial Colorado River Exploration Expedition Project authored by UW Institutional Communications, April 16, 2019.
“The City of Green River and John Wesley Powell River History Museum will Open a New River Trail” by Castle Country Radio, March 11, 2019. (Painting by Patrick Kikut)
“Colorado Riverkeeper and Affiliates Play Key Role in John Wesley Powell 150th Anniversary River Expedition” authored by Rica Fulton for Waterkeeper Alliance, Feb.26, 2019. (Photo by Jessica Flock)

“Sesquicentennial Project to Consider Colorado River’s Future” authored by Eve Newman for Laramie Boomerang, Oct.18, 2018.
Vision & Place: John Wesley Powell and Re-imagination of the Colorado River Basin Panel Discussion, April 26, 2018. Contributing authors included Jason Robison, Emiline Ostlind, Autumn Bernhardt and Amorina Lee-Martinez.